
Watercolor is a real Lady among painting techniques. With a white glove, it gently touches the snow-white paper so as not to get dirty. She absentmindedly spills multiple colors wherever she wants, and I have to chase her constantly to take control. At some point she is finally weary and bored with my efforts, so that she starts to stare somewhere at the beautiful landscape. Then I rush and quickly put on her a beautiful colorful dress. The Lady just glances graciously over her shoulder, gives a fleeting smile and disappears somewhere in the autumn mist. Watercolor - the Queen of Painting, the most difficult technique, but that's what I like.


I have been devoted to the pastel technique for many years, using it as my main tool not only for sketching painterly ideas but also for creating complete works that necessitate dedicated time and concentration. Through leading workshops on this technique, I consistently highlight its demanding nature, requiring a series of thoughtful and intelligent choices. Yet, it's a technique that enables the creation of exceptionally vibrant spaces, often unveiling unexpected and astonishing color discoveries. In Poland, the art of pastels is celebrated and cherished, with a legacy of great predecessors. The works of Stanisław Wyspiański, Leon Wyczółkowski, and Teodor Axentowicz stand as monumental and unfading examples of the esteem in which Polish artists hold pastel painting. These masters provide an endless source of inspiration for me, as I continue to explore the depth and richness of pastel art.

Oil Paintings

Oil painting is the sole technique I am familiar with that provides extensive opportunities for expression. While modern art trends favor a variety of experimental approaches, often referred to as Mix-Media or Personal Techniques, traditional oil painting remains unparalleled in its capacity to offer limitless possibilities to artists with a strong technical background. The primary factor in this creative process is time, which I consider to be its most valuable aspect.